Welcome to the world

of healthy and beautiful nails, welcome to the world of the SNS dipping system!

Services Offered

Nails Courses

For more information about our training programs visit our salon website: www.justtrendynails.no


About Us

    Since 2017, we have been the exclusive representative and distributor of the SNS brand in Norway.

    Since then, we have also been training our students with a comprehensive range of courses—both for beginners and advanced professionals.

     For more information about our training programs, visit our salon website: www.justtrendynails.no

Why Choose Us


The only team in Norway with 10 years

of experience working with the dipping system!

We were the first!

Wide Range of 400+ Colors!

Explore a wide range of over 400 colors and get your SNS products directly from us in Norway!

Personalized approach and support

We are always here to assist and advise you, helping you achieve the best results with SNS.

Get to Know My Story...

      Instead of listing my professional journey, as experts recommend, I’d rather share a defining moment that changed my life forever.

      When I moved from Poland to Norway, I had no clear plan for the future. My law degree from Poland wasn’t relevant in the Norwegian job market, so I took a job far from my dreams. After a few months, I faced a choice: stay in a job that didn’t fulfill me or take a leap of faith and pursue my dream of owning a nail styling salon.

     My search for innovation led me to SNS dip manicure, and I decided to go all in. That decision marked the beginning of an incredible journey—one that led to a thriving salon with loyal clients who still support me today.


     🔟 Last year, I proudly celebrated 10 years in the industry!

✨ The key to success? 

Innovation, self-belief, and the courage to take action despite fear and uncertainty. Looking back, I know it was the best decision of my life.


       Working with amazing people, filling my schedule with happy clients, and knowing I make a difference bring me daily joy and fulfillment.

      If my story resonates with you, it means you're ready for change and to follow your dreams.

      💛 I’d love to help you on this journey!


Get in Touch

If you have any questions or concerns, we're always ready to help!
